Sanitary Liquid Product Blending - Equilibar Back Pressure Valves

Sanitary Liquid Product Blending

Precision control of added perfumes and dyes in personal care products

  • Schematic of product blending using the Equilibar BPR to prevent pump slip
One common application for the Equilibar FD Series is liquid product blending or dosing. Many manufacturers of personal care products need to precisely control the amount of perfume, dye, or active ingredient that is injected into a line. Performance of positive displacement pumps can be improved, especially in low viscosity applications, by the addition of a precision back pressure regulator.

An FD Series back pressure regulator, with its unique multiple orifice design, is capable of controlling pressure at extremely low flow rates, allowing a more exact mixture of ingredients during product blending. Additionally, the Equilibar FD regulator acts as an isolator for header pressure fluctuations as blended product flows through the header. This keeps downstream fluctuations from adversely impacting upstream flow control equipment.

Schematic of product blending the Equilibar BPR to prevent pump slip

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sanitary regulator for blending

Equilibar FD Sanitary back pressure regulator

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