Low Pressure Relieving Regulator -

Low Pressure Relieving Regulator

Back Pressure Regulator controls to 0.02 psig

Equilibar offers a regulator that controls pressure in the millibar range with extremely high sensitivity and stability.

Unlike traditional pressure reducing regulators that open to increase pressure, these relieving-type or backpressure-type regulators open up to reduce pressure.

Equilibar’s relieving back pressure regulators are dome-loaded and use a 1:1 air pilot pressure on their dome to communicate the set-point. The set-point signal can be communicated by either manual or electro-pneumatic pilot regulator.

Relieving pressure regulators are available in a wide range of sizes:

The following chart illustrates the ability of the Equilibar back pressure regulator to control in the range of 3 inWC (inches of H2O).

Low Pressure BPR Performance GS2





Pilot Regulator Options for Low Pressure Control

Manual Control Computer Control
Product LPR2 QPV
in H2O millibar(g) in H2O millibar(g)
Lowest Pressure Range 0.5 to 7 .75 to 17 0 – 4 0 – 10
Sensitivity 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.03
Other Pressure Ranges 1 – 10
1 – 28
2.5 – 25
2.5 – 70
1 – 10
1 – 28
2.5 – 25
2.5 – 70


Selected Applications for Low Pressure Relieving Valves


2 set point options

The Equilibar back pressure regulator relieves flow to control pressure. It has a 1:1 dome-loaded design, and can be piloted by either a manual or electronic pressure regulator

Relieving back pressure regulator can be used to control liquids or gases in the very low pressure range. Shown with precision electronic pressure regulator

Relieving back pressure regulator can be used to control liquids or gases in the very low pressure range. Shown with precision electronic pressure regulator


HV Back Pressure Regulators

The Equilbar HV32 relieving back pressure regulator is available in 2″, 4″, and 6″ sizes for precise low pressure control at high flow rates

Equilibar News
yellow piping on cover of Valve Magazine

Valve Magazine features Alan Black’s overview of plastic valves

The summer issue of Valve Magazine features a comprehensive overview of plastic valves by Alan Black, Equilibar’s lead application engineer and product manager. During the 1950s and 1960s, plastics represented a future filled with progress and possibility, as was famously captured in Dustin Hoffman’s first movie, The Graduate. “I have one word for you,” a Read More

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