Archive 2020: Happy Holidays from Equilibar! -

Archive 2020: Happy Holidays from Equilibar!

  • bprchristmastree

See this year’s holiday message.

To our many customers and partners who celebrate Christmas, we hope you have a beautiful and meaningful celebration. And to everyone all around the world, we send warm wishes for a safe and happy New Year! Equilibar offices will be closed Dec. 24 and 25 for Christmas and Jan. 1 for New Year’s Day.

The bedazzled Equilibar Christmas tree in the picture features some of our most popular models of fluid control valves and regulators.

They are, from bottom to top:

GSD8, a general service valve well suited for fuel cell testing,

EVR-GSD6, a vacuum control valve known for its responsiveness,

GSDH4, intended for high pressure flow control,

GSD3 BPR, often used for automotive fuel pump test stands,

HTF2, a high temperature high flow design benefitting flow chemistry reactor control,

LF1, designed for low flow applications such as catalyst research, and, at the very top,

the LVF low dead volume BPR, a compact option perfect for university research.

Equilibar Christmas Tree

Equilibar BPR tree

We are also proud to offer sanitary and single use regulators for pharmaceutical applications as well as large capacity industrial valves with port sizes up to 4 inches. In addition, we have developed specialty valves for supercritical extraction, Mity Mite replacement valves, cryogenic valves and much more.

We are proud of the work we did in 2020, including an expansion of our sanitary and flow control offerings. We were not expecting to work on the development of fluid control valves for ventilator use due to COVID-19, but it was an honor to be part of the effort and we’re extremely proud that our team rose to the challenge and a design using our technology received FDA emergency use authorization.

As 2021 draws closer and closer, we are excited to see what the New Year holds. For more information, please contact our application specialists. They are looking forward to working on many exciting projects in the coming new year.

Equilibar News

Ammonia Cracking for Hydrogen Energy

Ammonia cracking is a chemical process that breaks down ammonia into its component elements of nitrogen and hydrogen. The process typically involves high temperatures and the use of catalysts. While it is used in a variety of industrial processes, ammonia cracking is attracting more and more interest lately because it offers practical benefits for both Read More

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