November Project: Thanksgiving Turkeys -

November Project: Thanksgiving Turkeys

  • Thanksgiving outreach at Fletcher elementary school

During November, Equilibar participated in a fun project. Based on the number of shipments completed, we donated gift cards for Thanksgiving turkeys to help families at our local elementary school. We’re proud of our motivated production and shipping teams who worked hard to make the donations possible.

Education and environmental efforts are the two primary focus areas of Equilibar’s community involvement. As a technology company, we are immensely aware of the importance of a strong education for our workforce. And we’re thankful for the educators at Fletcher Elementary School who are teaching the future engineers, technicians and scientists in our community.

Pictured in the middle of the photo are Equilibar’s Sam Sematis, Julio Del Valle and Julie Detmering delivering the cards to the school.

Equilibar News
yellow piping on cover of Valve Magazine

Valve Magazine features Alan Black’s overview of plastic valves

The summer issue of Valve Magazine features a comprehensive overview of plastic valves by Alan Black, Equilibar’s lead application engineer and product manager. During the 1950s and 1960s, plastics represented a future filled with progress and possibility, as was famously captured in Dustin Hoffman’s first movie, The Graduate. “I have one word for you,” a Read More

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