Why is single use technology for biopharma booming? - Equilibar

Why is single use technology for biopharma booming?

  • Ryan Heffner, PE, Single Use Technology Manager

By Ryan Heffner

Ryan Heffner, PE, is manager of Equilibar’s new Single Use Technology division. He has spent much of his career focusing on fluid control for biopharmaceutical applications as well as trends in pharmaceutical manufacturing, including Pharma 4.0. He was instrumental in developing Equilibar’s single use SDO back pressure regulator, which received the 2022 Innovation Award from Pharma Manufacturing magazine. In this interview for the Equilibar blog, Ryan explains the advantages of Single Use Technology for pharmaceutical processes and how it plays a critical role in the implementation of Pharma 4.0.

Equilibar News
PUK magazine cover with stainless steel device

Journal article focuses on oligonucleotide production using pressure control with built in dampener

Oligonucleotide drugs are made up of short sections of genetic sequences and are used to target disorders in the genetic code. The first drug of this type was used in 1998 during the AIDS epidemic.  Since then, the field has accelerated rapidly and today many oligonucleotide drugs are in clinical trials, promising improvements in treatment Read More

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